Monday, July 2, 2018

Ocean pollution


Ocean pollution occurs when harmful chemicals or particles enter the ocean. Ocean pollution also occurs when animals die  from eating the harmful chemicals or particles because when an animal dies the flesh will rot and be consumed by another animal . Have you ever wondered what are the main types of harmful objects that go to the sea? What is the effect of plastic and how  can we reduce the amount of plastic that ends in the sea?

What are the main types of harmful objects that go to the sea?

The top 5 types of rubbish that go into the ocean are cigarettes, cups, lids, plastic bottles and food wrappers. Other trash which can be found in the ocean is cardboard, fishing gear, balloons, utensils, straws, glass bottles, cans, plastic cups, and PLASTIC BAGS! Many of these objects are made from plastic that is why plastic is so terrible for our oceans. As an example of how much plastic is being used America use roughly 500 million plastic straws a day! Most of them end up in the ocean.

What is the effect of plastic

The effect of plastic is that the environment is no longer clean so the wildlife may try it or there main food source is underneath the plastic. A lot of  plastic waste is found on Islands because of ships that dump the plastic waste on Islands which can enter the ocean. When an animal eats the plastic it stays there forever because plastic does not break down quickly it takes about 450 year to break down.

How to reduce your use of plastic

Bring reusable plastic bags like fabric bags. And don’t buy bottled water and instead use tap water, chose cardboard over plastic bags, bring your own thermos to coffee shops, and say no to straws. But if you still want to use straws buy the reusable straws. Also if you want to use food wrappers use beeswax wraps, this is how you make it step 1 get fabric step 2 get liquid beeswax step 3  sprid the beeswax on the fabric step 4 let the beeswax dry and now you are done when the beeswax drys.


Always remember these points what are the main types of plastic that goes in the sea, what is the effect of plastic and how to reduce the amount of plastic. Plastic pollution is terrible and if we work together we can make a difference!

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