Did you know that Holland lops are bunnies. Or the Holland lops are so cute and
cuddly, wait that is a opinion but the Holland lops are so cute and cuddly. Have
you ever wondered what a Holland lop is? Or have a Holland lop? Well this
report will show you the habitat of a Holland lop, the diet of a Holland lop and
the looks of a Holland lop.
What is the habitat of a Holland lop
The Holland Lop is a breed of domestic rabbits that was recognised by the
American Rabbit Breeders. But they are also known as house pets so maybe
you can get one, who knows, scratch that maybe you will know. Holland lops
prefer meadows because the is a lot of space to play and run. Holland lops are
breed so they might not dig hole in your yard. That’s good.
What is the diet of a Holland lop
The diet of a Holland lop is basil, bokchoy, broccoli leaves, celery. Rabbit pellets,
timothy hay, grass hay water. They also eat fruits and leafy vegetables, carrots,
lettuce, and bunny treats. Never give Holland lops bread, rice, potatoes, biscuits,
chocolate. Lollies, chips, almond, cassava roots. Mangoes, millet sprouts and
What are the looks of a Holland lop
The Holland lop look so alike but the colour or pattern can be different. The
colours of a Holland lops are black, brown, grey, orange, milky brown, the
Holland lop can also be light grey, tan, white and ginger. Their ears are
normally down, but if the Holland lop scenes anything quietly approach their
ears may go up. Holland lops normally have black big eyes,the Holland lop’s
pattern can be milky brown, black, grey, white and brown.
Have you learnt anything new about Holland lops? Are you still wondering about
Holland lops, well here is some more information on Holland lops. This
information includes Origin, Scientific name, classification and rank.
Rank: breed
Now have you learnt anything new about Holland lops?