Sunday, October 14, 2018

a new start to term 4

A new start to term 4

Today was the start of term 4. Today we did an Ikas test, got our term 4 maths book we also started doing our calendar art. In room 15 Mrs. Hensman will only be teaching on Monday and Wednesday, Mrs. Reilly will be teaching on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. In week 1 and 2 we have swimming. In week 1 on Friday it is grandparents day! I can't believe this is the last term of School then next year we will year 6.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Arataki education center

On the 6th of September, all the year 5s went to Aritaki education center. We traveled there by bus, it was getting too long for me a started feeling car sick. We finally arrived there, when we all got out of the bus we started eating our snack. Once we had finished our yummy snack we went into the classroom. When we were in the classroom we learnt about how the different native plants and animals that were extinct or endangered. We also what different animals that don't belong in New Zealand. Room 15 went down to the place where they help grow the trees. We were meant to bring a yoghurt cup to the trip because we were bringing the plants back to school. Some people brought a container. This is why we needed to bring a yoghurt cup, it was because the parents were meant to poke a hole in it with a nail. Once we had finished planting our plants in the yoghurt cup we went back up the hill back to the porch of the class. We were enjoying our lunch and chatting away. After we ate our lunch room 15 went on a nature walk. We had some stops while we were walking. We had a stop and we had to sit down and listen to what was around us, then we had to write down what we heard on a piece of paper. We had to go find these things that helps you know what pests are in the area. We also had to identify what animal or insect the footprint is. After we found all of them we looked at the traps that kill the pests. It was sad to know how the pests are getting killed I don't think it's their fault that they are killing our native birds and plants. Sadly it was time to go back to school, I had soo much fun being there I hope we can go there again
Image result for arataki education centre

Thursday, August 23, 2018

What is a Holland lop?


Did you know that Holland lops are bunnies. Or the Holland lops are so cute and
cuddly, wait that is a opinion but the Holland lops are so cute and cuddly. Have
you ever wondered what a Holland lop is? Or have a Holland lop? Well this
report will show you the habitat of a Holland lop, the diet of a Holland lop and
the looks of a Holland lop.

What is the habitat of a Holland lop

The Holland Lop is a breed of domestic rabbits that was recognised by the
American Rabbit Breeders. But they are also known as house pets so maybe
you can get one, who knows, scratch that maybe you will know. Holland lops
prefer meadows because the is a lot of space to play and run. Holland lops are
breed so they might not dig hole in your yard. That’s good.

What is the diet of a Holland lop

The diet of a Holland lop is basil, bokchoy, broccoli leaves, celery.  Rabbit pellets,
timothy hay, grass hay water. They also eat fruits and leafy vegetables, carrots,
lettuce,  and bunny treats. Never give Holland lops bread, rice, potatoes, biscuits,
chocolate. Lollies, chips, almond, cassava roots. Mangoes, millet sprouts and

What are the looks of a Holland lop

The Holland lop look so alike but the colour or pattern can be different. The
colours of a Holland lops are black, brown, grey, orange, milky brown, the
Holland lop can also be light grey, tan, white and ginger. Their ears are
normally down, but if the Holland lop scenes anything quietly approach their
ears may go up. Holland lops normally have black big eyes,the Holland lop’s
pattern can be milky brown, black, grey, white and brown.


Have you learnt anything new about Holland lops? Are you still wondering about
Holland lops, well here is some more information on Holland lops. This
information includes Origin, Scientific name, classification and rank.
Origin: Netherlands
Scientific name: Oryctolagus
Higher classification: Oryctolagus
Rank: breed
Now have you learnt anything new about Holland lops?

Thursday, August 16, 2018

The 21st century disco

The 21st century disco

Today is the crazy cool school disco. At the senor disco we will dress up in 21st century cloths. I am dressing up as Hermine Granger in Harry Potter. I am going to wear a pink top, a jacket and jeans, I also have a Hermine Granger wand which I am going to bring. I am really exited!

Image result for disco 

Thursday, July 5, 2018

term ended 🛑

Sadly the term has gone to an end. But I am exited for the holidays and the next term. Well I have lots of lovely times during this term, like passion project how I loved making the edible starburst slime, I also enjoyed inquiry like the news report I couldn't stop laughing at myself. I have also had some hard times like in maths the work shop I am in, the first time I had no idea of what we were doing but with the help of Mrs Hensman, but I have to look to the future like what wonders will I explore next term, but before I have to get through the holidays.
Ocean pollution
term 2 maths master and this
passion projects

Monday, July 2, 2018

what is a blue morpho butterfly?

IntroductionHave you ever wondered what a blue morpho butterflies is?  This beautiful butterfly can be seen flying amongst tall, leafy trees. Flowers are one of the most nutritious meals for these butterflies. These blue morphos love the trees that surround these unique butterflies. The wings of these purfect butterflies can turn brown while flying.What is the habitat of a blue morpho butterflyThese unique and colourful butterfly's habitat is a rainforest. You may not find these butterflies because they live in America, Mexico and Columbus. All the trees that surround  theses blue morphos are towering these tiny helpless butterflies. All the wild flowers have bloomed and the forest is now filled with colour. Would you like to live in a colourful and beautiful rainforest?What is the diet of a blue morpho butterflyDid you know that blue morphos have a very interesting diet.Most blue morpho butterflies just drink nectar from flowers, Like purple violets, pure white bloodroot petals, dogwood come in different colours but all the same shapes, redbud does not come by it’s names because it is pink, and the shadbush is beautiful white. No wonder these butterflies like to drink from these flowers.What is the predator of a blue morpho butterflyNow other animals are starting to put blue morphos onto their diet like monkeys. Jacamar is a green and orange bird about the size of bell bird, the flycatcher is brown or green, even we do harm these beautiful butterfly like killing them and turning them into accessories. We should stop killing these harmless butterflies.ConclusionDid you learn anything about these unique, harmless and beautiful butterflies like what is the habitat of a blue morpho butterfly, what is the diet of a blue morpho butterfly and what is the predators of a blue morpho butterfly. Would you want to be

this beautiful butterfly?

bio peom

Is kind, helpful, compassionate and caring

Sibling of Liam

Lover of all things fluffy, long hot noodles also lover of cute friendly puppies

Who feels Frustrated when her family is joke around with her words, Confused and upset when she gets a question wrong when working terribly hard on it and scared when left alone outside in the dark

Who gives morning coffee to her parents, Huge hugs at bedtime and gives lots of things made out of paper

Who fears when a spider is crawling on her, bees land on her and fears bugs and animals dying

Who would like to see all my cousins, double rainbows and see what is in the sky tower

Who lives in a house that is near midels farm

Inoue - McAloon

Ocean pollution


Ocean pollution occurs when harmful chemicals or particles enter the ocean. Ocean pollution also occurs when animals die  from eating the harmful chemicals or particles because when an animal dies the flesh will rot and be consumed by another animal . Have you ever wondered what are the main types of harmful objects that go to the sea? What is the effect of plastic and how  can we reduce the amount of plastic that ends in the sea?

What are the main types of harmful objects that go to the sea?

The top 5 types of rubbish that go into the ocean are cigarettes, cups, lids, plastic bottles and food wrappers. Other trash which can be found in the ocean is cardboard, fishing gear, balloons, utensils, straws, glass bottles, cans, plastic cups, and PLASTIC BAGS! Many of these objects are made from plastic that is why plastic is so terrible for our oceans. As an example of how much plastic is being used America use roughly 500 million plastic straws a day! Most of them end up in the ocean.

What is the effect of plastic

The effect of plastic is that the environment is no longer clean so the wildlife may try it or there main food source is underneath the plastic. A lot of  plastic waste is found on Islands because of ships that dump the plastic waste on Islands which can enter the ocean. When an animal eats the plastic it stays there forever because plastic does not break down quickly it takes about 450 year to break down.

How to reduce your use of plastic

Bring reusable plastic bags like fabric bags. And don’t buy bottled water and instead use tap water, chose cardboard over plastic bags, bring your own thermos to coffee shops, and say no to straws. But if you still want to use straws buy the reusable straws. Also if you want to use food wrappers use beeswax wraps, this is how you make it step 1 get fabric step 2 get liquid beeswax step 3  sprid the beeswax on the fabric step 4 let the beeswax dry and now you are done when the beeswax drys.


Always remember these points what are the main types of plastic that goes in the sea, what is the effect of plastic and how to reduce the amount of plastic. Plastic pollution is terrible and if we work together we can make a difference!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018



On Friday 8th of June it is SPCA donation. We have to bring a two dollar coin to school and we get to dress up in mufti! I am thinking to wear a dress but I still haven't chosen what to wear. I hope I can chose before the day.  I am really looking foreword to that day. I hope it comes soon. We also do it every year but it never gets old.🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈

Wednesday, May 9, 2018



In Term 1 for passion projects Ashton, Ben and Philipp did clay sculptures. I did a Funny fish, rose and a dragon fly. I found the fish the hardest to make because it took me 2 weeks to finish. Secondly I finished the flower in one block which was the easiest but took alot of tries. Lastly I finished the dragon fly in two blocks which I made it very smooth. I can't wait to see what it looks like when it is ready.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Easter holidays

Easter holidays

It is nearly Easter holidays, and it is on April fools day. I think it is going to be harder to find Easter eggs because it is on April fools day. I am really exited for Easter because we get to get a chocolate Easter bunnies and it is huge so it takes 3 to 4 days to finish the hole thing. I am thinking to make some decorations for Easter. I have a sponge bunnie and it is huge and I am not exaggerating. Its no joke and the bunnie grows from a egg to a sponge bunnie. I still don't know if we are going away for Easter holiday. Before the Easter holidays it is  good Friday. 

Thursday, February 22, 2018




Have you ever wondered what are clams?In this report I will tell you What habitats clams have, the colours of  clams, and world record clams.

What habitats clams have

Most clams dig into the salty sand or drippy mud.Clams can be found in saltwater and freshwater.In Waiheke at one of the main beaches.

The colours of clams

Most clams are the colour bright white.But some are mix dark red,light blue, and dirty green.But for real that is just algie that gets attached to the clam!

The world record clams

The worlds oldest clam was caught alive when it was 507 years old!Ming an ocean quahog clam was pulled up from 262 feet water!Is that crazy?A normal size clam was 507 years old!In 2006 to study Ming's senescent inside the researchers had to pop the clam open.Witch resulted to Ming's death.The worlds largest clam shell weighed 20 pounds without the molluck.


Now do you know what clams are? From what habitats clams have, the colours of clams and the world record clams.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Where we come from

                                 Where we come From

Today I have finished my Where we come from first I found 4 things to write about my country. I made a slide about Japan. Then I added the images onto Aurasma. Then I was done.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

All about me hot air balloon

🎈🎈🎈All about me hot air balloon🎈🎈🎈

I had already finished my All about me hot air balloon.
Then today we used a app called Aurasma. First we signed
into Aurasma using the Kohimarama school acount.
After we signed in, we went on a new tab then went on 
screen castafy and videoed us talking about something 
more.Some of us finished during break.