Thursday, July 2, 2020

End of term

End of term!

Tomorrow is the end of term and I can't wait to be at home not doing work, or at least I hope. Normally I have to do spelling and some maths but it’s only for about 15 minutes so I think I can live with that. I get bored easily so sometimes school holidays are the best but sometimes it’s just sad. For the lockdown I would always get bored because I couldn’t play with anybody so I just sat around reading.

I have to do future problem solving in the last block which is sad because we’re doing lots of fun stuff the so I’m going to miss out 🥺. I sure that most of the boys are going to go crazy because it’s almost school holidays. But at least they get to play on their gaming console all day, I have to say I don’t think that’s very good for you. Once I searched up how much scream time should a year 7 have and it said around 3 hours.

I really hope I can do the tennis holiday program cause I think it’s really fun (also we get chocolate on Friday). My brother is going to go to this basketball holiday program for 2 days so I don’t have to hear him saying “ I’m bored”
And “can you play with me”

I wonder if I could go to one of my friends house for a sleep over? I think that would be so much fun because I haven’t had a sleep over for a long time. I really love sleep overs because it’s just good to catch up and have fun for like 24 hours.

Maybe you could write down in the comments what you’re going to do on the school holidays.
