Have you ever wondered what are clams?In this report I will tell you What habitats clams have, the colours of clams, and world record clams.
What habitats clams have
Most clams dig into the salty sand or drippy mud.Clams can be found in saltwater and freshwater.In Waiheke at one of the main beaches.
The colours of clams
Most clams are the colour bright white.But some are mix dark red,light blue, and dirty green.But for real that is just algie that gets attached to the clam!
The world record clams
The worlds oldest clam was caught alive when it was 507 years old!Ming an ocean quahog clam was pulled up from 262 feet water!Is that crazy?A normal size clam was 507 years old!In 2006 to study Ming's senescent inside the researchers had to pop the clam open.Witch resulted to Ming's death.The worlds largest clam shell weighed 20 pounds without the molluck.
Now do you know what clams are? From what habitats clams have, the colours of clams and the world record clams.