Princess Frozen ❄
Princess Ruby and princess Frozen both wanted to become queen. Princess Ruby and princess Frozen were both 13 years old. They lived in a kingdom named Peaceful. The kingdom is a very silent place, where everyone is friendly and kind. Nobody argues, that’s why the kingdom is named peaceful. Princess Ruby is as kind as a puppy. Princess Frozen's eyes are as blue as the sky
King Emerald and Queen Freeze were having a stroll through the kingdom. King Emerald told Queen freeze “isn't it a sunny day”
“Yes” Queen Freeze replied.In the castle princess Ruby and princess Frozen were in there room. Princess Ruby’s room walls are covered in ruby red.Princess Ruby’s favorite colour is ruby red.Her tiara is made out of rubys. Princess Frozen’s room walls are completely ice blue.Princess Frozen's most favorite colour is ice blue. Princess Frozen's tiara is made out of aqua auras. Princess Frozen had a plan to kill princess Ruby.
Princess Frozen was setting up her villanis plan.Her first trick was to hang a bucket full of ice over princess Ruby door, when princess Ruby comes out of her room … Princess Ruby will be covered in ice (Princess Ruby dosen’t like Ice because she afraid of ice)Princess Frozen was setting up her villanis plan, but princess Ruby wasn’t in her room she was in the kitchen making lunch!Princess Ruby was walking to her ruby coloured room until … she saw the bucketful of ice she ran out of the castle to tell queen Freeze that “princess Frozen was trying to weaken me so she had a chance to kill me”!shouted princess Ruby.But Queen Freeze didn’t believe princess Ruby.So princess Ruby told king Emerald the same thing.But king Emerald didn’t believe her so princess Ruby was going to get proof.
Princess Ruby was running to the castle to show the bucket.She ran out of the castle with the bucket which was empty! But she run to her parents and showed the empty bucket which said PRINCESS RUBY’S BUCKET
King Emerald and queen Freeze were very disappointed, did princess Ruby give up NO she didn’t.She sprinted back to the castle and was putting her ear on princess frozen's door and listened so she could bring her mum and dad to listen.
She run out of the castle to bring mum and dad to the castle.Princess Ruby tilted sideways, she said”Mum,dad listen you have to hear what princess Frozen is planning. They heard everything … Now they believed princess Ruby.Princess Frozen will not be queen Princess Ruby is now the Queen, now her name is Queen Ruby
Queen Ruby lived happily ever after,
The end